This is from my personal collection of information, studies and
articles over almost two years researching and studying the covid
crisis that has become center stage across the world. These
represent the best and most informative perspectives, opinions and
educational information, although there are many more. The
obstacle in all of this is the amount of time, and level of scientific
discussion that bewilders the average person not accustomed to
scientific data and anlysis. It does require time and effort
initially wading through these links to become informed and able to
weigh in on conversations requiring more than sound bites. I
highly encourage you to read as many of these links, especially the
highlighted *links* I
consider the most useful and informative.
The sad state of affairs we are witnessing today is
bad science being promoted over true science regarding anything covid,
vaccine and various drugs that can be repurposed. The suppression
of information, discrediting those who speak up, and the censoring of
any pandemic related keywords in social media is not only unbelievable,
but is pandering to the govt touted lies and misinformation illegally
trampling our civil liberties and freedoms in a power grab.
The following links are provided to present articles
and studies from many avenues of medical and scientific research which
may disprove the CDC/NIH/FDA and WHO push for innoculations and the
public relations line of misinformation. This has divided our
country, and that of the world in an emotional turmoil, to the brink of
division over false and misleading information that has permeated all
rational debate and discussion.
To date, I am amazed that a handful of govt
officvials, bureaucrats and politicians, backed by the pharmaceutical
industry, is leading the opinions, and not a convened world
symposium. They have used the covid crisis utilizing the
overused term pandemic for a virus that is so deadly you have to be
tested to know if you have it. The natural laws of biology and
herd immunity have been trashed, and replaced with sound bites blaming
the unvaccinated for the spread of this disease, when in fact, it is
proven the vaccinated are actually spreading it rather than the
unvaccinated in the breakthrough cases.
To enforce being jabbed with an unknown series of
innoculations that may only prevent you from becoming seriously
infected, yet the number of adverse reactions are causing the public to
take notice. The jabs were hastily tested and approved without
critical followup studies of the tested control groups, who have now
been purposely vaccinated eliminating the ability to monitor follow up
studies. This has abandoned all the normal regulations, defying the vaccine regulations and
approval protocols imposed by the FDA for over fifty years.
These jabs are causing
adverse reactions, resulting in deaths and permanent disabilities that
are not being properly reported in the CDC VAERS database, or
truthfully disclosed to the public. This situation would not be
tolerated by the FDA under any other cicrcumstance, and usage would be
forced to shut down after twenty five reported deaths, and we are now
into the thousands of deaths. The end goal per Fauci himself, is
to get these approved as vaccines ASAP and eliminate the EUA (Emer Use
Auth), whereby legal regional mandates can be dictated and enforced
forcing everyone to be vaccinated.
I consider the following interview (long transcript)
with Dr. Christian Perrone and Dr. Anne-Marie Yim, to be the most telling and informative article
providing an overview of the science, protocols being dismissed,
suppression of drugs and information, placing the fault squarely on the
politicians and others controlling the levers of power. Dr.
Perrone is/was world renowned, a Fellow at the Pasteur Intitute, and
responsible for vaccine R&D in many capacities for France since
1994 as you will read. HE WAS FIRED AND
France's long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is "completely
stupid" and "unethical"
Dr. Perrone and
Yim Interview (perronne_interview.pdf)
New article on the effects of the
jab, Mercola analysis and commentary on Dr. Sucharit Bhadki,
immunologist remarks, author of two books on covid. He was chair
of the medical, microbiology and hygiene at University of Mainz,
Germany for over 22 years.
After giving this issue a great deal of thought, Bhakdi is
convinced that the COVID injection campaign must be stopped.
“Gene-based vaccines are an absolute danger to
mankind and their use at present violates the Nuremberg codex, such
that everyone who is propagating their use should be put before
tribunal,” Bhakdi says.
“Especially the vaccination of
children is something that is so criminal that I have no words to
express my horror … We are horribly worried that there's going to be an
impact on fertility. And this will be seen in years or decades from now.
Recommended reading
Bhadki-Mercola Analysis (bhadki-mercoal.pdf)
Unmasked - Bhadki-Free Book Chapter (corona_unmasked_chapter.pdf)
Hydrogen Peroxide and
Covid - Is
This the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections?
Mercola Interview and Analysis with Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD
Using "nebulized" 3% food grade HP at first signs of infection to treat
covid and other viral respiratory diseases and to improve health.
Peroxide Covid Therapy (nebulized-hydrogen-peroxide.pdf)
Free Ebook download - Rapid Virus Recovery, Tom Levy
Rapid Virus Recovery Book - Thomas Levy, MD, JD
This link will explain a new
theory about why adverse reactions are occurring. Rather long,
but the majority is charts and graphs, so reading the beginning and
conclusion will provide you with the information you need to understand
it. In short, asymptomatics that have been exposed and have
developed (herd) immunity, are experiencing ongoing active antibodies
from recent exposure. Receiving the jab, the spike proteins
intended to provoke an immune response, are attacking the active
antibodies from this prior exposure, and wreaking havoc causing the
auto-immine response of adverse reactions resulting in death and
disabilities. The article states that anyone considering the jab
should FIRST be tested with the PCR and IgG (Imunnoglobulin) antobody
test to determine active responses. It is estimated that herd
immunity was already sweeping through the country at a ratio five times
higher than thought, and cases were already declining by the time only
5% of the population were receiving jabs. This response is
normally expected in vaccines, yet was not considered in the push to
jab averyone.
This helps explain the adverse
Natural Immunity vs
Covid shot (natural_immunity.pdf)
to article describing how Ivermectin is being suppressed and by whom.
Coverup of Ivermectin’s Efficacy Demonstrates an Evil Agenda is Driving
Everything (html link)
This most informative short six minute video is Dr. Stock's
presentation to a local school board, and provides an easy to follow
understanding of covid. Why jabs and facemasks should not be
enforced on children. Video removed by Youtube after five million
views, and now censored by FB and Google searches.
Dr. Dan Stock's Presentation to
the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana Over The Futility of Mask
Mandates and Covid-19 Protocols
Dr. Stock School Board Presentation
Dr. Mercola has removed most of the information he has accumulated over
25 years from his website. Any covid, vaccine, and election
related material is not available. He still posts a daily email
blog which asks you to become a subscriber. Info is only
available for 48 hours due to threats he and his family has received. I
highly recommend subscribing to stay abreast of the latest updates and
information. ===============================================================
This pdf file contains multiple
links to other noted scientists and doctors from their early research,
and is still valid.
Vaccine Safety Docs
Click below link
to auto download pdf file
to your download folder.
and Legal Resources Against Vax Mandates (vax_exemptions.pdf)